Thursday 20 February 2014

DIY: Decorate your boring belts

I'm sure you have a load of those useless boring belts you get with trousers and dresses. I found a few the other day and decided to make use of what I already had.

This belt was a full length belt and is plain tan. I cut the belt down and decided to create a high waisted Boho belt, nice for the summer. I believe its always better to create something from imagination, then its your own unique design. If you want to replicate a designer item that is fine, as we all can't afford the high designer prices. 

This is a great way to make use of items that you may not use and a big money saver. If you bought a high waisted Boho belt it probably would be quite pricey due to the detail.

So with a bit if creative and crafts this is how the belt now looks. This was a very easy task and took no longer than an hour. I applied some flowers, pearls and extra details to tidy up the belt. If your going to make something, it still needs to look like you didn't make it otherwise it defeats the purpose. The idea is for people be like "I love that where did you get it from?", this is also a major confident booster as a designer, enhancer or creative; whatever you want to call it. I think this belt is super cute for the summer or even now to wear with high waist jeans or a top. Its quite a girly item with the flowers and pearls, but what girl doesn't like flowers right?

I love this belt, it sits in a really flattering place for me as I am quite curvy, and it costs me no more than £4.50; but I already owned what I needed. So all in all this item cost me nothing, just a little time and effort and here you have it, your brand belt you can put in your closet and know that you made it.

If you want to jazz up your old belts with anything this should work quite well!
Above is the Video Tutorial which will take you through the process and help you make your own unique belts very easily. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and please let me know what you think, whether it be a comment, thumbs up or a follow; or subscribe on YouTube for more video.

If you do make your own belt please Tweet me @katyharmston, Id love to see your creations!

Lots of Love

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